My fluffy brown puppy is called JACKKY.
He is quite intelligent, sometimes though, he behaves a little stupid.
Janki aunty and Jairam uncle are our neighbors.  They have a son called Jaikishen.
My neighbors loving call their son “JACKKY”!
Now, that’s really stupid!!
When Janki aunty calls her son, JACKKY my stupid dog perks up his ears.
“JACKKY, open the door”
“JACKKY, go to your room”
“JACKKY, take a bath”
“JACKKY, stop that”
“JACKKY, don’t do this”
“JACKKY, don’t touch the vase”
It is my stupid, silly pup who ends up rushing in and out of the house thinking Janki aunty is talking to him.
Once I scolded JACKKY, “You stupid dumb dog! Stop your silly actions”… Guess who went and complained to his mother???
Jaikishen the stupid kid was playing in the corridor. He thought I was trying to bully him. Janki aunty complained about this to my mom…and both me and JACKKY were asked to go and sit in a corner.
“Stupid boy!” I said “If you were a she-dog I would have named you “Jane”.
Girls, in any case are smarter than boys J
“Woof …Woof…” barked JACKKY. As if he was saying “What if Janki aunty had a baby girl called ‘Janhvi’ and they loving called her ‘Jane’…the same stupid problem would occur all over again”
I find people changing their beautiful meaning Indian names to common sounding English names…very Stupid!
But that’s another topic for discussion. Right JACKKY!!


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